~ Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and cheer and give strength to body and soul alike. ~John Muir

Friday, May 29, 2009

Day 1: Upper Richardson Lake, Maine

Upper Richardson Lake, Maine
August '08
"The love of the wilderness is more than a hunger...it's the only home we shall ever know, the only paradise...if we only have the eyes to see." - Edward Abbey

Put-in (44 degrees 54' 25.40"N 70 degrees 54' 25.45" W)was at the top of the lake from the launch off of Rt. 16 out of Wilson's Mills. We unloaded the four 'yaks and took about an hour to organize and pack our supplies. Having all previously practiced this task at home, we packed quickly and efficiently. Surprised at how fast we accomplished this, we were suddenly ready. This is it, there was nothing holding us back now. Months of planning, mapping, stocking food and purchasing necessities for this adventure had come to fruition. John (my husband and our driver) took the obligatory first photo, hugged us goodbye and stepped back. We smirked at each other, paused for a deep breath as we scanned the wild lake before us. With a cheer and paddles held high, each of us slipped into our boats and wiggled off the shore to begin our adventure. Location info

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