~ Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and cheer and give strength to body and soul alike. ~John Muir

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Take a look at my winter in New England and win a backpack!

With the lull in my kayaking season, I have always tried to find other pursuits to take my mind off my passion.  I thought I'd drop a few pics of our winter up here in Maine and New Hampshire where you will find me snowshoeing, snowmobiling and otherwise exploring.  The cold does not prevent me from venturing out - you know the old saying.."When God give you lemons..." - I just dress a whole lot warmer!  And speaking of warmer, a nice, winter fire always comes to mind..the woodstove, a nice bonfire outside or a toasty fire in any number of fireplaces

It's also a good time of year for me to go through my gear for a little inspection and inventory.  Whenever I find myself lacking in something, off I go to the web to see what's out there.  On one of my internet jaunts, I discovered the coolest daypack.  I contacted the distributor and after chatting it up a bit, they agreed to let me give one away!!  Mountainsmith makes many recycled products and this pack is made out of recycled water bottles!  I don't know about you, but even though I can't seem to throw any away, I'm pretty rough on my packs and can always use a brand new one!
So take a minute and enter my giveaway by letting me know in the comment box below.  I will pick a winner on February 14th.  (Sorry, this pack can only be shipped within the U.S.)

Enjoy my New England winter while on your way to the bottom of the page.........